Category: For Sale

S+B single scull (suit 85 -95 kg rower)

Composite construction Wooden fit-out with low maintenance fiberglass shell. Original Rigger and comes with set of Dreissigakker spoons. This is a responsive, perfectly serviceable training scull. I believe it once belonged to Garry Lynagh who on-sold it to Johnathan Brett. I have refurbished the wooden interior and sax boards it’s given me very good service.

Sykes Lightweight Scull 65 – 75 kg

Wooden rowable classic. Restored + gorgeous ribbon sappelle mahogany scull. Built in c 1970 by Sykes on the Barwon, at Geelong One of Sykes last all-wooden shells. Comes with original riggers and a pair of Dreissigacker spoons. A pair of perfect wooden spoon blades are also available separately. Row the boat or it would look

Wooden Spoon sculling blades

5 pairs of wooden spoons in good used condition-no splits. No chunks missing. These are now getting very hard to find, especially in reasonable condition (please see photos). Great fundraisers for any school Rowing Support Group. Cleaned up I have seen these go for over $1,000 in an auction, or use them as trophy blades