Category: Eights

Two JR Eights for Sale

Riverside Rowing Club has two Johnson Racing eights for sale. Boats are full carbon hulls. Shells are sound in good condition for their age. Quick release riggers. Suitable for crews in the 70 to 85kg range. Can be inspected at Riverside Rowing Club, Adelaide city shed SA. Best Offers by 12th Feb unless sold prior

Hudson U8.32 Eight

Brighton Grammar School have our Hudson USP VIII for sale as part of our boat turn over plan. Manufactured in 2019. Rowed for 2 seasons. Carbon riggers, seats, footplates and fin/rudder. All relevant boat / rigger bags will be included. Fantastic condition. never damaged. Boat can be transported upon request. Located in Melbourne VIC Price:

2018 R84 Empacher

R84 2018 model Empacher VIII 70-80kg. Comes with four extra riggers to allow interchange between bow stroked and stroke. Will come with set of Croker or Concept 2 oars. Located at Carey Bulleen (VIC) workshop and can be viewed Monday to Friday. Price: $38,945 Contact Tristan on or 0438 335 996